
All About Unboxing Your New GiNO Mattress

Ciao! Congratulations on your new GiNO mattress! The most exciting part of the mattress shopping experience is the day you get to unbox and use it. Here at GiNO, we provide Mattresses in a box. With our unique packaging, we want to make sure you are all prepared on how to safely and adequately unbox your perfect new match.

Bene, I will now go into each step of the 8-minute unboxing process, so grab a nice tall glass of wine and let’s begin!

Step #1: Your box will resemble a pasta box, eccezionale, am I right?! You will remove the rolled-up mattress from the box and place it directly on your bed frame. Make sure you have everything prepared before starting these steps for the most efficient and quick process. While removing the mattress, don’t forget to see what we have left inside for you: Two eye masks, a delicious Spaghetti di Mezzanotte recipe, and a box cutter!

Fun Fact:  We chose to share with you our favorite GiNO variation of the Spaghetti di Mezzanotte recipe also known as the Midnight Spaghetti because it is the perfect midnight snack that leaves you falling asleep with ultimate satisfaction.

Step #2: Cut the straps of tape with caution and start unrolling away! Always makes sure to go gently.

Step #3: Remove the mattress from its bag and make sure it is correctly positioned. You will be able to tell if it is positioned correctly if the Italian flag is at the foot of the bed in the top right corner.

Step #4: Within minutes you will be able to sleep on your new GINO mattress.  

How soon can you sleep on GiNO after unpacking? 

The question you have been waiting to be answered! You can sleep on GiNO almost immediately after opening it. However, just keep in mind that it might take close to 24 hours for the corners to regain shape fully, but we encourage you to start enjoying a restful night’s sleep on your new mattress as soon as you get it!

Bene! You are all prepared to unbox your GiNO mattress; if you have any other questions, feel free to ask Mr. GiNO.

Buona notte e sogni d’oro from yours truly 


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